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Busy Is Not The Problem

A key focus of mine with new clients is to help them prioritize themselves first and to eliminate...

The Irony In Fitness

Wanna hear some irony? Many people say they want to improve their fitness and decrease stress, yet...

The Fitness Practice

The practice is worth pursuing. Showing up consistently and doing the work. We get caught up in...

You Should Be Selfish

Honestly, what’s your gut reaction when you hear the word “selfish”? Is it a negative one?...

Fail Forward

Win forward. Fail forward. Focus forward. How you reset your life amidst adversity says a lot; the...

Mistakes Are Good

The more experienced you become in fitness, the more “mistakes” you will have under your belt....

Reverse Engineer Your Goal

Reverse engineer your ambitions into the smallest possible piece. Have a 3 month goal? Break down...

The Cycle of Motivation

Do something positive. Get a small win. Feel a bit of motivation. Do another positive. Get yet...

5 Minute Fitness

Watch the video here. You and I have seen more “5 minute ab” workouts than we can count. This...

Take Care of Yourself First

Just wanted to say that I hope you’re doing incredibly well. If you’re reading this, please do at...

Fitness Efficiency | 075

We all are busy, aren’t we? Work. Family. Relationships. Endless things on our mind. Fitness can...

Multi-Walk | 071

Most of us know that multi-tasking doesn’t work all that well, at least, if the goal is to do a...

Get Back On Track | 070

I believe that if your mindset allows you to get right back on track no matter what happens, you...

Simplify | 069

More, more, more. That’s often the goal in life for many. And while achievement comes from taking...

Mental Fitness | 068

When discussing fitness, we usually focus on the body. Physical strength. Body composition....

Accountability | 067

There is something amazing that happens when we are held accountable by an external party. Whether...

Small Tasks Win | 064

Small things done repeatedly build into big things that stick. Break the big tasks into pieces so...

Invest In Yourself | 060

* Full transparency: I am not trying to sell you on my coaching right now. The following simply...

Do Something Daily | 058

Ideally, we would all have a clear vision and purpose with our fitness. We’d have clear goals and...

Start With Yourself | 057

Begin each day by focusing on yourself. The better you are, the more you can do for others. If you...

Focus On Today | 055

If you’re like me, you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the future. Tomorrow. Next month....

Do it anyway | 053

Waiting to do things until you’re motivated is like waiting to drive until you have a nicer car....

Skin In The Game | 052

We often look for sources of motivation. Many times, lacking motivation comes from not having...

Fitness is a Tool | 051

Fitness can mean many things for people. The “why” behind focusing on fitness is truly a personal...

5 x 5 for 25 | 049

Today is my 25th birthday. Beyond grateful for all of the lessons that I’ve learned, People I’ve...

Just Show Up | 048

Often times, you just need to show up. Even when you don’t feel like doing it. Especially when you...

Imperfect Action | 046

Imperfect action is always better than perceived perfect inaction. We often fear taking a step...

Keep Going | 044

We as a species are going through a tense time right now. A lot of changes in the world. I truly...

Want a Fresh Start? | 031

I know the feeling of wanting a fresh start. I could go on and on about how there is no perfect...

Why You Need Competition

You need competition. I need competition. We all need competition. Whether said competition is...

Dwell a Bit Less

If you make a decision, own it. You can always change your mind or change course later. Enjoy the...

Check The Box

Sometimes, you just need to check the box. If your goal is consistency, in any thing that you do,...

Fear and Fitness

I believe that every internal challenge, insecurity, and obstacle we can't quite seem to overcome,...

Action Creates Motivation

Not motivated? Do something productive and motivation will likely follow. I have struggled with...

Just Start

“I will start tomorrow.” “I will start next Monday.” “I need to take care of a few more things...

Progress isn’t enough

Progress. Is it enough? The short answer is, no. Let me explain. Progress is incredibly important....

What works for you?

My strength training has been better this week than it has been in quite some time. By better, I...

FREE Master Class

Watch the video. Implement what you learn. Have more effective workouts, instantly.

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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