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Strength Coach to parents, future parents and their families.

I became very aware of something over the past 3 months: My peace of mind, confidence, and mental health are directly correlated with the level of excitement I have to pursue fitness goals.

Simply put, a clear vision and purpose behind my fitness allows me to train with better intensity, consistency and passion.

These traits encourage a healthy mindset and visions of success for my future.

They give me the confidence to take action in other areas of my life.

When I lose sight of my vision and purpose with my training, everything else seems to fall apart.

If you are struggling

In your relationships, with your business, or with your mental health, developing a strong purpose in your own fitness may be a catalyst for overall growth.

If you are going through stuff and need to talk, reach out to me.

I’m here for ya.

FREE Master Class

Watch the video. Implement what you learn. Have more effective workouts, instantly.

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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