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Strength Coach to parents, future parents and their families.

I believe that most people – whether they know it or not – spend their lives searching for stronger days.

After all, every goal, outcome, or change we seek is a result of small improvements over many days.

Want a strong body and to feel better naked?

Wanna’ increase your income and make deeper strides in your career?

Want to maximize your relationship with your family and more greatly impact the people you meet?

All of that comes from stronger habits built into each and every day.

What are those habits and how do we make them stick?

Well, that’s what most of us are in search of.

I’ll do my best to share my stories, experiences, and insights to help you on the path, but stronger days start with you.

That being said, I do have one possibly helpful insight that you can immediately take with you.

I believe that stronger days start the night before.



Two key players in the pursuit of better days and a purposeful life.

You know about to-do lists; nothing new there.

What I’m suggesting goes deeper than your average to-do list.

I want you to think deeply about what will make each day better, and create 1-3 daily habits that when compounded over time, create a substantially stronger life.

Make these habits specific – you either did them or you didn’t.

Make these habits exciting – they need to be so emotionally connected to you that by seeing them on your list, you can’t help but get excited to check them off daily.

Lastly, make these habits a part of your practice – we’re not looking for “kinda’ interesting” items that you do only when you feel like it; rather, we’re looking to create clear and purposeful actions that you will accomplish daily.

When you pick the right habits (they’ll evolve over time so don’t procrastinate in search of the right ones,) and you compound them over days, weeks, and years… your entire life will change for the better.

Stronger days start the night before.

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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