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Strength Coach to parents, future parents and their families.

Begin each day by focusing on yourself.

The better you are, the more you can do for others.

If you can take time to train your body first thing in the morning, you will build momentum towards a better day.

Maybe you’d prefer to journal and get your mind on paper.

Maybe both?

Whatever it is, do something for you as soon as you can upon waking.

FREE Master Class

Watch the video. Implement what you learn. Have more effective workouts, instantly.

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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