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How to Build a Stronger Family via Strength Training

A Stronger Family That’s what I aim to help people create. Family can have different meanings. Family may be blood-related, or it may be your closest circle of friends. Either way, your family will always become stronger when you yourself become stronger. The...

How to Document Your Fitness Daily For Faster Progress

I believe everybody should be doing a daily check-in (whether with me as your coach, another coach, a family member, a friend, with yourself, or a combo of the above).One of the simplest yet most effective tools I share with my online clients is a daily check-in.We...

Short Workouts Are Amazing

Whether it’s 5 minutes, 1, or 10, the idea here is that a short workout minimizes excuses while still providing benefits.Just like this short post can provide big changes (if you apply it), a short workout can provide wonderful things (if you do it).”5...

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Two schools of thought here: Take action once you feel ready and prepared to succeedJump in head first before you’re “ready” and figure it out along the way The latter nearly always produces a better process, but you need to be able to appreciate the...

Busy Is Not The Problem

A key focus of mine with new clients is to help them prioritize themselves first and to eliminate “busy” as an excuse. I recently read two blog posts by my favorite author ‘Seth Godin’ and wanted to share as they wonderfully exemplify...

I Bought My Client a 53lb Kettlebell

My business is referral driven so when my awesome clients bring in a friend or family member, I like to show some love! In this case, [my awesome client] connected me with her best friend who has just joined team “Coached By Harris.” The gifts I give vary...

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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