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Daniel Mathews

What was your fitness life like before you started working with Harris? Before working with Harris, I was a veteran of group fitness classes and various seasonal athletic hobbies. I depended on both of those to stay in shape but each had drawbacks that left me...

Paty Prato’s Review of “Coached By Harris”

Paty Prato is an incredibly skilled Cake Artist and Pastry Chef. She’s also my beautiful fiancé! We’ve been working to improve her fitness, strength, and overall habits since we met in December 2019. Her baking Instagram is @BakingWithPaty “Before working...

Pam Tobey

Hi, my name is Pam and i’m one of Harris’ online coaching clients. Harris has been my trainer since the spring of 2021 and we train 3x a week together over FaceTime. I’d like to share the value that I get from our virtual workouts. What health and fitness challenges...

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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

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