Onboarding Form

Health & Injury History

The email address I should use to send important documents and messages
Ex) June 17, 1995
A number or an estimated range. Specify pounds or kilograms
Ex) 5' 9"
Please be as descriptive as possible here. Not only will this help me make your program safe, but it will allow me to program the best exercises possible for your body and goals. If no injuries or pain, please right "never" for the associated body part.
Please recognize that it is your responsibility to work directly with your health care provider before, during, and after seeking fitness and/or nutrition consultation. Any information provided is not to be followed without prior approval of your doctor. If you choose to use this information without such approval, you agree to accept full responsibility for your decision.

2) Fitness Assessment

Describe what you want to improve upon, learn, change and why
Commercial gym, apartment gym, home gym, outdoors, a mix?
Please be super specific with types, weight amount and how this equipment might change (add more or lose some) while we're working together. You're also encouraged to send a video/photo of this equipment to my email or WhatsApp
Ex) swimming, running around with your kids, biking, running, gardening, long walks, tennis or other
Ex) a running race, strength competition, spartan race, triathlon, martial arts tournament, other
Ex) Workout videos, a specific online program, other
The more context the better
Ex) Up 20 pounds, down 5 pounds, fluctuates between ___ and ___ pounds, exactly the same

4) Lifestyle Assessment

Ex) wake up time, what and when you eat, tasks, after work hours, routines, other.
Ex) wake up time, what and when you eat, tasks, after hours, routines, other.
If yes, please specify dates and what type of exercise equipment access you may or may not have access to
Anything I should have asked that I didn't? What else should I be aware of?
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Build A Strong Life.

Hey, I'm Harris. Thanks for visiting my site!

I teach beginners how to lift weights consistently and amazingly well so they can build a stronger body, mind, family and life.

Like what you see? Consider the following resources, and please do share with the people in your life if you think they could benefit. Enjoy!

Coach Harris


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